Hi guys, glad to meet you all with a new post today. Well, to be honest, glad I found the time to add a post in my blog. LOL!

So, the STPM students have got their results and SPM students, yet to be receiving it tomorrow. Time to see if the long holidays after the examination really prepared them for their big day tomorrow, hahaha! Obviously, once given your results, the first question many are going to be asking you is 'What's next?". Are you prepared with the answer? Or are you still in a deep thought process of deciding what will be next?

 The ones asking you be like...😣

Well, the next big thing after 'What's next' will be you applying for UPU (Malaysian students only😉) and that will be pretty taxing. Many of you would have bought the pin number at BSN, went to numerous roadshows and still fell blank on what you are interested to study in future. Don't worry, that is pretty fine, as I too went through that process. I'm a professional...

No, not this kind of professional😵

Firstly, you are going to be having 12 choices from which you are required to fill in at least five of the choices. Since you will be having time till the 2nd of April, be sure to make a complete analysis so that you do not waste you choices. See all the prerequisite requirements for each and every choice before you decide. Always remember that you should follow your passion, but if you results are not adequate enough for you to pursue a certain course, the it will be better if you swap that choice with another one which fits with your results. Every choice counts, but your first four choices may have to be the ones you have to rank based on your preferences. First choice, the one you like the best to the 12th choice of the course you prefer least (all based on your results and the course requirements though). Remember that before you apply for UPU, you can insert your results in the ePanduan system to see which courses you can apply for the results you have obtained. I did that, and I hope you do too for the benefit of mankind.

Don't worry, this ePanduan link is completely safe

If you are keen to study law, then you are talking to me. Law as it seems outside is not a boring, dull, no-life kind of subject. Actually, it is very fun when you begin to love the course. No, that's a lie. You will love Law for the energy each of its subject brings when you study them during lectures. Most of the Law students will thoroughly enjoy Criminal Law as it takes your analysis skills to a whole new level before you find out who was the culprit. Plus, if your lecturers are amazing, then you life as a Law student will be amazing too. I was also one of the guys saying no to Law outside, but UPU decided likewise for me when I applies and now I'm enjoying doing Law guys, seriously.

All future lawyers out there, welcome to the club✌

Once you are decided all out to do Law, remember there are 2 different ways when it comes to SPM and STPM students. For SPM leavers, applying for Asasi Pengurusan at UUM and Asasi Undang-Undang at UiTM, UM or UIA will be your first step towards realizing you dreams of becoming a lawyer. SPM leavers may also take the Matriculation program (Add Maths is a must in your SPM) before applying again for Law in UPU as both Asasi and Matriculation is a one-year route towards doing a degree in Law. STPM leavers, hear, hear! You guys can directly apply to take up a Law degree at UUM, UM, UKM, UiTM and UIA, whichever you prefer. But be sure to check as some of them will require you to attend an interview and most universities will offer the course only if you put it as the first choice.

Don't be too stressed, take it easy and you'll do great👍

I hope that I've given you a clear picture of the UPU scenario now and what it takes to apply if you choice is to do Law. Don't hesitate to drop a comment if you need me to assist you in applying for UPU and I'll be more than happy to help if you are keen in pursuing a Law degree. Keep you mind calm and sit down, talk with your parents so that you will come out with a perfect UPU application before you submit it. You have ample time, think wisely and decide wisely guys. Signing off from you now with my best wishes to both SPM students yet to receive you results and STPM students who are already with their results.

I hope yours is not like this😂

See you with a new post soon guys!
