
Hi guys, glad to meet you again with a new post.

So, I had a pretty hectic week before and finally I found time to actually post in my blog. No hard feelings guys, I believe you too feel the same as me.

Come, gimme a high five!

Well, to take life to a next level, let me talk a bit about AdSense. AdSense? What's that? Are you asking yourself those questions now? Then, let me tell you about it. AdSense is basically a golden key for bloggers where their blogs get paid if AdSense actually approves to place ads in their blogs. I'm trying hard to make mine one too, and just today I succeeded in sending an email application to them where I found out at the end that it will take 24 to 72 hours for my application to be processed. I'll prefer a 24 hour one for sure, but I'm still waiting...waiting...and waiting for tomorrow to bloom away.

Yours Sincerely, AdSense; if we get to see the application tomorrow😂

Shucks, I'm really eager to get AdSense into my blog and all this waiting is making me stressed out. Anyone want to take me out for a drink? Haha! And before I forget, thanks to all my followers for now. Those who haven't followed me, please do so. Or you'll miss out on many good stuffs. Coming back to AdSense, many bloggers fail to realise that AdSense will choose you to be a part for them only if we have a 3 month old blog and a consistent amount of traffic in our blog. That is pretty stressful guys as many bloggers fail to have the consistency to update their blogs actually.

That's a thing to wonder about...

So, in short, the key to being chosen by AdSense is consistency within the blogger themselves. No, what are you guys waiting for?  Type up and get some traffic on to your blog, become an AdSense nominee and earn money guys. But remember, do not copy and paste, as you could be fined for plagiarism or receive no traffic at all because Google will not recognize pages with the copy-and-paste aura.

That's Google for YOU!

Alright guys. Thank you for reading my post, that's what i want anyway. And do not forget to subscribe, like, comment and follow my blog. Many more interesting things to come, I assure you! Bye guys, see ya!
Alright, bye bye. Was that .978 seconds?😕


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